Center Industries Corporation (CIC) opens in Wichita, KS, in July 1975 with production in a new 26,000 sq ft building with 15 employees. “We are proud to be the first facility in the United States to pave the way for a realistic employment system designed to enhance the lifestyle of many cerebral palsied adults in Kansas,” says CIC Founder, Jack Jonas.
- 5th anniversary and growth! 80+ employees and 30 customer contracts
- Center received Boeing “Pride in Excellence” award
- New contract to produce Triactor Press Generator assembly to conserve energy in fossil fuel furnaces by ionizing the air before it goes to the burner
- New bill requires all license plates issued after 1981 to be coated with reflectorized material for safer night vision
- Senator Bob Dole tours CIC with founder, Jack Jonas
Center Industries Corporation celebrates 30 years in Business in 2005 and receives multiple awards including:
- Performance Excellence in Government Contracts Award
- Business Innovations Award
- Merit Award for Kansas Business Appreciation Month
- Outstanding Community Partner Award
- Outstanding Performance: Supplier Delegated Inspection Authority